wordpress 主机_如何将好的WordPress主机与坏的分开
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wordpress 主机

WordPress hosts are a dime a dozen, and unfortunately even for a technically savvy person, it can be difficult to differentiate between a reputable host which is attentive to their customers, and a reseller who doesn’t own the servers and is simply marking up existing services. Additionally when it comes to pricing and support, it can be difficult figuring out who can provide the best service for you.

WordPress主机是一角钱,不幸的是,即使是对技术精通的人,也很难区分出一个专注于其客户的信誉良好的主机和一个不拥有服务器并只是简单地标记现有产品的经销商服务。 此外,在定价和支持方面,要弄清楚谁可以为您提供最佳服务可能会很困难。

Rather than focusing on the from SitePoint discusses, in this guide we are going to focus on how to ensure that you are choosing a quality host over a fly by night company.

而不是 SitePoint的所讨论的那样,专注于的 ,在本指南中,我们将着重于如何确保您选择一家夜行公司之外的优质主机。

Most of this article applies to any type of web hosting, even if you’re not using WordPress. I’m also keeping the advice very general, however it still applies to growing number of WordPress specialized hosting services.

本文的大部分内容适用于任何类型的网络托管,即使您未使用WordPress。 我也保持非常普遍的建议,但是它仍然适用于越来越多的WordPress专业托管服务。

你得到你所付出的 (You Get What You Pay For)

While pricing varies greatly from host to host, you should always be wary of any host promising “unlimited” storage or bandwidth on budget plans, especially when using a shared server. While the packages might sound great on the surface, hosting companies aren’t offering these rock bottom prices to be charitable. In fact, the “unlimited” claims come with caveats which are only found in the fine print of the hosting agreement. Typically hosts will use ambiguous language such as “unlimited usage as long as it is reasonable,” or they will limit you to a certain number of files on the server. Other common caps include suspending your site after using a certain number of CPU cycles or only letting you upload website components.

尽管主机之间的价格差异很大,但您应始终警惕任何主机承诺预算计划中的“无限”存储或带宽,尤其是在使用共享服务器时。 虽然这些包装听起来似乎很棒,但托管公司并未提供这些最低价格作为慈善用途。 实际上,“无限制”的声明带有一些警告,仅在托管协议的精巧版中可以找到。 通常,主机将使用歧义语言,例如“只要合理就可以无限使用”,否则它们会将您限制在服务器上一定数量的文件中。 其他常见的上限包括使用一定数量的CPU周期后暂停您的网站,或仅允许您上传网站组件。

Although the tricks hosts play vary by the contract, the best way to protect yourself from these tricks is to avoid using hosts that promise astronomical resources at rock bottom prices. You should always look for a host which promises not to oversell resources. On virtual private server (VPS) and dedicated packages, you are guaranteed resources, so this only applies to shared hosting.

尽管主机的花招会因合同而有所不同,但保护自己免受这些花招的最佳方法是避免使用以最低价格提供天文资源的主机。 您应该始终寻找承诺不会超售资源的主机。 在虚拟专用服务器(VPS)和专用软件包上,可以保证您获得资源,因此,这仅适用于共享主机。

确保主机符合标准 (Ensuring the Host Meets Standards)

When choosing a web host, you need to be sure that you’re actually using servers which are housed in fortified data centers rather than simply being in a server located in a person’s closet. Short of actually visiting the facilities of your host, you can ensure that you are using a credible host by looking for the following certifications:

选择网络主机时,您需要确保实际上使用的是设在强化数据中心中的服务器,而不是简单地位于人壁橱中的服务器中。 除了实际访问主机的设施之外,您还可以通过查找以下证书来确保您使用的是可靠的主机:

  • : The industry standard for any website handling credit card information, this is a must have for any reputable web host. Even if you are not taking payments, you should only choose a host with PCI certifications since it ensures your host has a reasonably secure facility.

    :任何处理信用卡信息的网站的行业标准,对于任何信誉良好的虚拟主机,这都是必备条件。 即使您不付款,也应该只选择具有PCI认证的主机,因为它可以确保您的主机具有相当安全的设施。

  • : While this standard is technically focused around the financial services industry, this is another standard you should look for in a host because it further shows that the company takes extensive precautions to ensure the physical and digital security of their equipment.


  • : The de-facto standard for the medical industry, while many hosts don’t meet the grade, if your business or clients are doing anything which involves maximum security, choosing a HIPAA compliant host doesn’t hurt. While the standard is rigorous, many HIPAA compliant hosts are priced at similar levels as non-compliant hosts.

    :医疗行业的实际标准,虽然许多主机不符合该等级,但是如果您的企业或客户正在做涉及最大安全性的任何事情,那么选择符合HIPAA的主机就不会有任何伤害。 尽管标准很严格,但许多符合HIPAA要求的主机的价格与不符合要求的主机的价格相似。

Since WordPress is often used for ecommerce and data capture, standards compliance is an important consideration to decide on before you sign up.


正常运行时间保证毫无意义 (Uptime Guarantees are Meaningless)

In the hosting industry, you’ll typically see companies promising 99.9% uptime. While that number looks attractive, many hosts often attach exclusions to the figure to excuse them from issuing credits when your website goes down due to errors on their end. The most common exemptions in the uptime clause include acts of god and scheduled maintinance, however even if you experience downtime most hosts won’t pay you a dime.

在托管行业中,您通常会看到公司承诺99.9%的正常运行时间。 尽管这个数字看起来很吸引人,但是当您的网站由于其末端的错误而宕机时,许多主机通常会将排除对象附加到该数字上,以免他们发放积分。 正常运行时间条款中最常见的豁免包括天灾人祸和定期维护,但是即使您遇到宕机时间,大多数主机也不会付给您一角钱。

This is because hosts also can claim exemptions from the guarantee by saying your website was insecure and caused the server failure, or that you used too much resources. Even a cut in a bandwidth pipe technically falls outside the scope of most hosting guarantees.

这是因为主机还可以通过声明您的网站不安全并导致服务器故障,或者您使用了过多的资源来要求免除担保。 从技术上来说,即使减少带宽管道也超出了大多数托管保证的范围。

Even if you have a host which honors their guarantee, it is up to the customer to document the downtime and then file a claim. From there you are credited a percentage of your monthly fee. In the end however, there isn’t any neutral source which actually ensures that web hosts are reliable. While sites claim to provide uptime ratings, they’re almost always advertisements where hosts pay to have a fake rating listed.

即使您有一个能够兑现其保证的主机,也要由客户决定停机时间,然后提出索赔。 从那里您将获得月费的一定百分比。 最后,没有任何中立来源可以真正确保网络主机的可靠性。 尽管网站声称会提供正常运行时间评分,但它们几乎总是广告,主机会在其中支付列出虚假评分的费用。

This issue brings us to our next topic…


不要相信在线评级网站 (Don’t Trust Online Rating Websites)

For most services, Google is your friend when it comes to vetting out companies. Unfortunately web hosting is trickier because if you google the term “web hosting reviews” almost every review site on the first few pages is going to be filled with paid listings and affiliate links. In fact, many hosts create fake review websites to lure in customers. Even though the sites might give high ratings to competing vendors, since the sites are filled with affiliate links, the advertising host still manages to profit.

对于大多数服务,在审核公司时,Google是您的朋友。 不幸的是,虚拟主机比较棘手,因为如果您使用Google术语“虚拟主机评论”,则前几页中的几乎每个评论站点都将填充有付费列表和会员链接。 实际上,许多主持人创建了虚假的评论网站来吸引客户。 尽管这些网站可能会给竞争厂商很高的评价,但由于这些网站上充斥着会员链接,因此广告托管商仍然可以从中获利。

Fortunately the solution to this is simple, although it isn’t 100% precise. When looking around for web hosts, pick a few that stand out. Then do Google searches to see what people are saying about them on social media and technology forums. Don’t just focus on reviews saying “this host is great” or “this host is horrible.” Look for reviews that detail actual experiences.

幸运的是,尽管不是100%精确,但解决方案很简单。 在寻找网络主机时,请选择其中一些脱颖而出的主机。 然后,Google进行搜索以查看人们在社交媒体和技术论坛上对他们的评价。 不要只关注说“这个主人很棒”或“这个主人太可怕”的评论。 寻找详细介绍实际经验的评论。

Look for customers talking about how the host handles support tickets and downtime. Focus on customers who discuss the pros and cons of a host. Just make sure that you conduct an extensive search because hosting is a vast field and you’ll see plenty of opinions.

寻找有关主机如何处理支持票和停机时间的客户。 关注讨论主机优劣的客户。 只要确保您进行了广泛的搜索,因为托管是一个广阔的领域,您将看到很多意见。

Although reviews can be easily manipulated, a few dedicated individuals have taken the time to benchmark hosting companies. One that recently wrote about is the by Kevin Ohashi. Kevin has published his methods and findings from testing various hosts over the period of a month.

尽管可以轻松地进行审核,但一些敬业的个人花了一些时间来对托管公司进行基准测试。 最近写的一篇是Kevin Ohashi撰写的 。 凯文(Kevin)发表了他在一个月内测试各种主机的方法和发现。

Review Signal WordPress Hosting Report

WordPress专业托管 (WordPress Specialized Hosting)

As the popularity of WordPress rises, many of the big hosting players are now looking at the WordPress market to offer features to lure WordPress users. There’s also an increasing number of WordPress specialized hosting providers and options popping up (I’ve covered ). Some of them offer optimized environments, developer tools and staging environments.

随着WordPress的流行,许多大型托管公司现在都在关注WordPress市场,以提供吸引WordPress用户的功能。 越来越多的WordPress专业托管服务提供商和选项弹出(我之前已经介绍了 )。 其中一些提供优化的环境,开发人员工具和登台环境。

Regardless of which hosting provider you are considering (traditional providers or specialized WordPress hosting providers) the topics covered in this article are relevant to any hosting provider.


总是认为最坏 (Always Assume the Worst)

When it comes to web hosting, there isn’t a silver bullet to vet the good from the bad. No single host is perfect, even the giants who have been in the industry for years. When you finally settle on a hosting company, you should always choose month to month billing, even if it carries a slight premium. Additionally you should have at least two fallback hosts in mind.

当涉及到网络托管时,没有万事大吉来审查好与坏。 没有哪一个主机是完美的,即使是已经从事该行业多年的巨头。 当您最终选择托管公司时,即使总费用较高,也应始终选择按月计费。 另外,您应该考虑至少两个后备主机。

Since websites make or break businesses today, you can’t have all your eggs in one basket. Hosting companies often lure customers into paying 12 to 36 months in advance because once the money is sent in, the host is free to do as they please. The company might be great at first, but a few months in when issues come up, you don’t want to be locked in to the provider.

由于网站今天能成败生意,因此您不可能一劳永逸。 托管公司通常会诱使客户提前12到36个月付款,因为一旦汇入款项,托管人就可以随意做他们想做的事情。 该公司起初可能很棒,但是几个月后出现问题时,您不想被提供商锁定。

To ensure that you can easily move your data from host to host – make sure that the companies you choose use common control panels such as cPanel or Plesk. If you’re using a common control panel, you should also be able to easily manually back up your site (SitePoint recently covered ). Hosts which use proprietary panels often can cause issues if you are migrating to a different host.

为了确保您可以轻松地在主机之间移动数据–确保所选公司使用通用控制面板,例如cPanel或Plesk。 如果您使用的是通用控制面板,那么您还应该能够轻松地手动备份您的网站(SitePoint最近介绍 )。 如果要迁移到其他主机,则使用专有面板的主机通常会导致问题。

By considering the tips in this article, you should be able to protect yourself from many subpar hosts.



wordpress 主机


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